Work Order Management

Optimize Your Workflow with Efficient Work Order Management. WE COMBINE Cloud based management and real time notifications to keep everyone informed

 Real Time Tracking 

We have some great technology to help us keep up with all of our work order requests

Our management system tracks all request with unique tracking ID’s

All requests can be followed by time and date submitted

Requestor and Board members provided updates as work order item advances to completion 

 IMage and Videos captured

We want to provide you with the most information possible, including photos and videos to document

We can customize the invoice approval process for you.  All, some , or none, and everything in between.  

We send you and board weekly update on Invoices, payments made, and other financial important statuses 

Want to know when a large collection account is received?  No problem.  The system automatically sends Board members alerts for large collection accounts are received

 Reports and Data

Transparency, Transparency, Transparency.  We give the board of directors access to all necessary association financial information.

We provide full association management reports including all bank statements, Invoices, and full reconciled reports.

We break down your accounting into colorful, easy to read reports giving you access to in real-time.

Board members can view Bank Balances in real time without logging in multiple applications.

We are to provide an abridged monthly report available to all homeowners to amplify communication and transparency amongst the community.

Local, STate, and Goverment Reports

Budgets, Taxes, and much More

Federal Tax and State tax fillings

Our accounting team works hand in hand with our HOA Management team to create accurate, planned out budgets for the operating year

Additional services and features