Tips and tricks on how to turn your HOA into a Green HOA

There are various opinions out there about what  “being green” what really means.  What “being green” means to us in the HOA management world is saving our association communities money, while also being environmentally friendly.  Here are some tested and tried strategies on how your HOA community can become a Green HOA

Green HOA Tips


Being green starts with using and consuming less and reducing waste.

  • E-statements / Email Notifications /  Reduce Postage

As you know likely know,  HOA and condo associations can rack an expensive administration bill when mailing out community wide notices on a consistent basis.  With stamps nearing $.50, you want to be selective about what your community is sending out via snail mail. Obviously things like annual meeting notices and certified collection or violation notices may always have their place for legal and enforcement reasons.  But certain notices like newsletters, monthly payment notices, or general community announcements certainly could be sent electronically.

  • Water bill / irrigation savings

Almost all associations have some kind or monthly water bill statement.  Some high-rise communities can have larger bills, while some of the smaller of HOA’s may only have some light irrigation.  Water prices however are rising at a rapid pace all over the country.  Monitoring your water bill along with keeping up the latest news concerning water rates will help your association stay on top of this.  Make sure you have a licensed irrigation specialist working with your landscaping team setting your irrigation controllers in accordance your local watering schedules and times.

There are various opinions out there about what  “being green” what really means.  What “being green” means to us in the HOA management world is saving our association communities money, while also being environmentally friendly.  Here are some tested and tried strategies on how your HOA community can become a Green HOA.

Several of our associations have actually invested in water bill savings equipment.  These systems help reduce water and sewer bills by removing the measured air from the water meters.  Our associations have had a great experience with these systems and have saved several thousand dollars to date.  If your associations’ water costs are getting out of hand, contact Greenway Concepts to learn how to lower those escalating costs.

  • Re-using Signs and Banners
  • Tree Trimming equals free mulch

For those of you that live in heavily wooded areas, you know how much waste and debris can created from just trimming up the trees throughout the neighborhood.  When the hired HOA landscape or arborist professionals take care of the annual tree trimming, inquire about them using a wood chipper on site and turning the cut branches into fresh mulch as opposed to hauling them off.  It’s a great opportunity to replenish the mulch in the HOA community property areas or offer it is a free give away for the owners that live in the association to spruce up their own landscape.

  • Recycling Program / Pick-up
  • Electronics and appliance recycling drives

Disposing of electronics or appliances incorrectly can have some real negative effects on our environment.  Not disposing of that old 50 pound monitor you have stored away in the closet correctly, can have harsh environmental consequences.  Currently E-waste accounts for only 2% of overall landfill waste, but also represents 70% of overall toxic waste.  With technology forever evolving, this is surely a problem that won’t be disappearing any time soon. Starting an HOA community wide E-waste recycling event is great way to for everyone to come together, responsibly dispose off your old giant big screen, (don’t miss those at all)  and prevent some very toxic items from ever reaching your local landfill.